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Polypharmacy (multiple meds.) Effects

Polypharmacy poses a risk for Falls, Mobility and GI tract disturbances

What is it?
Polypharmacy is the regular co-prescription of multiple drugs
These can include anti-depressants, benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety, anti-seizure, sleep disorders), pain medications, diuretics, heart medications and anticoagulants.

Quick Facts
The use of 4 or more drugs co-prescribed can pose a risk for increased falls and severity of falls.(Dhalwani, N.N., Fahami, R., Sathanapally, H., Seidu, S., Davies, M.J., & Khunti, K. 2017. Association between polypharmacy and falls in older adults: a longitudinal study from England, British Medical Journal, 7)

Risks of damage such as hip fractures is 23 times higher.(Lai, S.W., Liao, K.F., Muo, C.H., Liu, C.S., & Sung, F.C. 2012. Polypharmacy correlates with increased risk for hip fracture in the elderly: a population-based study, Medicine, 85(5):295-9. ) 

When a new drug complication is mistaken as a new medical problem and an additional drug is prescribed which places the patient at further risk of developing another drug related problem - "prescribing cascade" (Vishal, J., & Pitchumoni, C.S. 2009. Gastrointestinal side effects of prescription medications in other older adult, Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 43(2): 103-110. )

What are Effects on Falls and Mobility?


It is estimated that the prevalence of polypharmacy in the elderly ranges from 30%-90%, the higher end being those in aged care facilities.

Polypharmacy increases the risk of adverse reactions, inappropriate prescriptions, drug interactions, number of hospitalizations, costs and death.


A persons mobility and therefore strength and muscle reflex is severely compromised.  Their risk of falls and the severity of the falls increases dramatically.

It is a difficult situation...

How does a person compensate for all the drug interactions along with the aging process they are experiencing?

No matter what is happening, the persons body needs to retain hydration, body weight (food intake), movement and muscle development.  These things also aid the effectiveness of the medications and daily detoxification.  

Having a regular review of all drugs being taken is important and necessary. Perhaps some can be eliminated?  Remember quality of life counts !!


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