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Showing posts from June, 2019

Mild Cognitive Impairement (MCI) - Not inevitable !

Benefits of Exercise on MCI Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is easily noticeable by people, but it is not serious enough to restrict people’s daily life. However, having MCI raises the chances of developing dementia, Alzheimer, or other memory related conditions (Rosenberg et al., 2013).                                     In general; assuming “overall loss of cognitive abilities with aging” is a very common misconception with most people. Actually, cognitive decline with aging may mostly be prevented or improved with healthy lifestyle such as regular vigorous exercise routines and a well-constructed diet. Sound difficult?  It is not really! MCI can be developed from several factors which include long term use of specific medications, sensory changes (hearing, visual loss with aging or pain from physical condition such as arthritis), and changes in mood due to altered hormonal status (Larson et al., 1992). Research strongly suggests that exercise is the key to maintain

Smoothie Recipe for a Healthy Brain

A Delicious Smoothie for a Healthy Brain! By now, many of us understand that the key to good health comes from a healthy diet.   The nutrients in our food literally feeds our body and gives it information that moves it toward health or toward disease.   While I understand that it isn’t always easy to make healthy food choices, I do believe that some simple life-hacks can help us be more successful. Here is a smoothie that I designed to be a meal replacement .   It is perfect for those who have very busy schedules and often skip meals, those with low appetite and is an excellent substitute for a Boost or Ensure.   I specially selected the ingredients in this particular smoothie to be great for lowering inflammation and boosting cognitive function. Super-Powered Brain Smoothie ½ cup cold brewed green tea – anti-inflammatory, packed with antioxidants and cancer-preventative properties. ½ cup plain kefir – a fermented food that contains good bacteria and yeas